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June 23, 2007


Ryan C

Well I'm glad I was included among the voices of sanity! lol!

Jimmy Mac

"What has passed our lips[*] as food, O Lord, may we possess[*] in purity of heart, that what has been given us in time may be our healing for eternity[*]."

At least they are not including the old chestnut accompanying the above:

May thy body, O Lord, which I have eaten, and thy blood which I have drunk, cleave unto my very soul and grant that no trace of sin be found in me who these pure and holy mysteries have renewed.

Fr. Gregory

I have seen a copy of the proposed texts. While I would prefer a few changes here and there, it is nevertheless, far superior to the current translation which is neither faithful nor beautiful. I am glad I don't have to use the current translation. Would be inclined to either shudder or laugh because of the banality of it. To quote Robert Taft, SJ: "they have taken the most boring liturgical form in Christendom and rendered it lugubrious."

שולחן מנהלים

The bishops have shown unproclaimable and awkward nature of the language, which destroys the height that sees the pastorally necessary.

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