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February 07, 2009



"Cardinal explains fasting
Cardinal Paul Cordes, head of the Pontifical
Council Cor Unum, has urged Catholics
to fast with the same “seriousness” as Buddhists
and Muslims. But launching Pope
Benedict XVI’s annual message for Lent,
which begins on 25 February, he cautioned
them not to view fasting as a way to “free
themselves from the weight of created
things”, as Buddhists and Muslims did. Instead,
he said, for Christians, mystic desire
was a “descent into the profundity of
faith where God is encountered”.

The weight of created things? What does this mean?

Spirit of Vatican II

Perhaps the work, "Freedom and Authority", by Paulose Mar Gregorios should be reprinted.
Written in 1974, it has some very interesting remarks on what constitutes real authority.
Posted by: evagrius | February 05, 2009 at 10:11 PM
Real authority can only come from being in touch with your colleagues and cooperating with them honestly. Examples of this: St Paul, St Augustine, Obama.
The neocaths are going from bad to worse: Rorate Caeli is a mess of antisemitism and holocaust denial: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=19978542&postID=2246163853975304481
And how about this for peevish, petty dog-in-the-manger petulancy? http://www.thecatholicthing.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1137
Georg and also Joseph Ratzinger have made it clear that their basic response to Chancelor Merkel's remark is ANGER. These men have a superiority complex that nothing can dint. They always no better and all criticism is discounted in advance.
Posted by: Spirit of Vatican II | February 06, 2009 at 04:49 PM
Posted by: Spirit of Vatican II | February 06, 2009 at 04:53 PM
This article notes the decline of the right wing blogs, but does not say anything of their counterparts on the opposite wing. Since I started blogging myself, I have been amazed at how many progressive bloggers there are in the church, many of them of fairly recent origin.
Although not American, I watched, fascinated, at how the netroots have transformed American politics, and suspected that there was potential to do something similar inside the church. Observing the furious reactions to so many recent Vatican fumbles, this may be happening. The Kairos moment is now.
Posted by: Terence | February 06, 2009 at 06:18 PM
The comment of Chancelor Merkel was completely out of place. She was seemingly not well informed when she spoke (another bureaucracy which doesn't communicate). She treated the pope like a third class politician of her own party.
I dont see any sense to connect the Maciel-Case and the Williamson-thing.
(The proof of this "slapping"-video btw is zero for noting. It shows Ratzinger as a human being nothing else.)
I agree that much went wrong in the JPII-aera.
Posted by: Stefan | February 06, 2009 at 10:28 PM



""The weight of created things?" What does this mean?"

## The speaker takes, as understood by his hearers, the metaphor of created things as weighing people down. It's a metaphor from athletics, used in Hebrews 12.1:

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us..."

(From the AV, aka KJV)



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