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October 30, 2021


John Wijngaards

Hi Joseph,
I trust you are doing alright in spite of all the Covid-19 restrictions . . .

I published a new book: ‘Ten Commandments of Church Reform. Memoirs of a Catholic Priest’. Read more information here: https://www.wijngaardsinstitute.org/wijngaards-memoir/ As you will see, this is not really an academic book, but my life story in which I document antiquated ‘doctrines’ and practices needing reform that I came across.

I presume you are quite busy – but would it be possible for you to review the book in some newspaper/magazine/network you have access to? I am thinking of you because I know that you too are concerned about such abuses and with your international experience you can better assess my own observations in other continents . . .

If you are willing to take this on, I can ask the publisher to send you a review copy of the book. In that case, to which postal address should it be despatched?

With all best wishes for life and ministry,


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